Hope abounds amid new school year

Meet State, the campus move-in effort that includes volunteers from all over campus and the community, roared back to life, hardly showing signs of taking a year off. And in what might be a predictable scenario here at State, in a year of a significant drought, just like if you wash your car, the clouds rolled in and the rain poured during the busiest scheduled time of Friday freshmen move-in.A woman poses in front of a book shelf

The excitement of a new experience mixed with the anxiety of leaving home could be seen on the faces of students and families. The families preparing to send their first child to college with a carload of questions, to the parents bringing their youngest to campus with SDSU-themed cookies for everyone they meet. The laughter, hugs and tears can be felt by those nearby assuring everyone it is going to be great.

Then, Monday morning, during the morning class transitions, the sidewalks came back to life. Watching the hustle and bustle, the energy of a new school year, you can’t help but be excited for what lies ahead for all of them.

What we hope lies ahead, and what is happening when you are reading this, is a college experience that challenges them intellectually; that introduces them to new people, cultures and experiences; and that motivates them to help where they can and to be the very best versions of themselves. I think we can all agree that we hope they are finding the fun parts of the college experience, too.

And I hope they learn what we already know—this place is special.

With loyal heart so true,

Andi Fouberg
President & CEO of Alumni Association

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