Reconnect with your fellow Jackrabbits

Welcome to our newest subscribers! The fall issue of STATE magazine is often the first one our spring graduates receive. We want to do our best to keep everyone up to date on some of the great things happening on campus and with alumni and friends, but we need your help!Andi Fouberg poses in her office

Is this the best address for this magazine to be sent to? Do we have your email address? This way we can tell you about upcoming events and opportunities that come up between the three annual issues of this publication, as well as our monthly e-newsletter. If you are a longtime subscriber to this publication, but you do not receive our emails, this message is for you as well. We can help you with all of those things and more at

During our respective times on campus, we made connections to places and people, and I believe that we are better by continuing those connections. Being intentional about continuing or reestablishing those relationships will enrich your life; I see the benefits of those efforts every day. If it has been a while since you connected with some fellow Jackrabbits, let this be your encouragement to do so soon. In the News and Events section later in the magazine you will see some photos of smiling alumni who did just that this summer.

An unsung verse of the “Yellow and Blue” includes the line, “Then forth to a bold life of action.” We know that alumni and friends of SDSU are living bold lives of action, we want to hear about them, and we look forward to continuing to tell you about them.

With loyal heart so true,

Andi Fouberg
President & CEO of Alumni Association

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