Jackrabbit Pride


  1. Hey Dean Erpenbach. It’s been almost 40 years since our days at DMAAC and was wondering what happened to my old colleagues there. Dan Wickwire retired from the USGS back 5 years ago in Portland, OR and I’m currently working for the Wash Dept of Ecology in Olympia as a Hydro 4 after 20 years with the Navy in San Diego. Looks like John Istchner sadly passed away way back in 1997 at 61 years old. Wonder how Phil, Priscilla, and Ed are doing? You look great! Let me hear back from you when you can. 3/22/23.

  2. Dean Erpenbach – Hey Bud just saying hello since I left DMAAC in 1984 and you, Phil Maslack, and I got together at my place for a few beers. Hard to believe it’s been 40 years in 2024 no less. You look good and like the ole Dean that I remember! I moved down to Florida and got into environmental consulting with E&E, then transferred to Seattle with them in 1987, then moved down to Portland with them in 1989, and then worked for CH2M and SECOR until 2006 when I transferred down to San Diego, CA and worked for NAVFAC SW until 2020. Moved up to Aberdeen, WA and now work for the WA Dept of Ecology and will do so until I’m 70 in 2027 whereby I’ll throw off the working coil! Hope this reaches you and if so, let me know what you’ve been up to over the last 40 years! V/r, Joe

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