Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback Fund for Academic Excellence to support academic accreditation

Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback, longtime supporters of South Dakota State University, have committed $450,000 over the next three years to support enhancement of selected academic programs at the university. The fund will supplement existing university resources and support programs seeking first-time accreditation. Accreditation, a recognized indicator of academic excellence, assures a program meets nationally endorsed standards and undergoes regular review in order to maintain quality.

“This funding means high-priority programs will achieve first-time accreditation within a shorter time frame than would typically be possible,” said Laurie Nichols, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “Van and Barb’s generosity and support heightens academic quality, allowing us to provide a stronger education to students.”

IMPACT 2018, the university’s five-year strategic plan, established an ambitious goal of offering 42 accredited programs. That objective represents an increase of 10 accredited programs over a five-year period.

The Fishback Fund for Academic Excellence identified 14 programs that will receive assistance with achieving first-time accreditation over the next three years. The fund also will provide opportunities to enhance current academic programs by better aligning programs, thus building synergies.

The plan includes programs within the newly formed School of Design—architecture, graphic design, interior design, landscape architecture and visual arts—along with theater, community and regional planning, food science, hospitality management, marriage and family counseling, park and recreation management, sociology, and the South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum.

Funding also will support exploration of program realignment to facilitate development of interdisciplinary curricula, maximize faculty and facility resources, and gain additional synergies from closer proximity. As with the School of Design, a variety of programs will be considered as part of this planning effort. The ultimate objective will be to build academic excellence through accredited programs.

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